Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Goals

I have noticed that a lot of weight loss bloggers have set goals for each month and I decided to jump on this great idea too!

So here are mine for the month of March;

1. Do abs and arm strength training 3x weekly.

2. Walk/Run (really only a jog) 48km in the month.

3. Take my vitamin daily. {I never seem to remember this}

4. Weigh myself only 1 time per week and that will be on my accountability day to my group.

5. No sweets/desserts except for on my birthday.

6. Lose 6lbs!

All of these goals are quite achievable I think and I look forward to marking complete beside each and every one of them. I am going to set up a side bar to keep track of my progress.

Have a great day to you all!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I find your comments on my posts so inspirational. You will be able to acheive your running! I started out doing intervals of walking and running and look at me now! If you find you're having trouble with taking your vitamins put them near a food you eat everyday. Like in your fruit bowl so you see them a lot and won't forget! Good luck with your goals!
