Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This morning I began the process of de-cluttering my house. I enjoy a clean house at all times but with 7 people living in approximately 1200 sq. feet all the 'stuff' makes me feel like the house is in shambles most of the time. I shouldn't go as far to say that I hate a messy house but since I am being honest I must admit I really do. Just ask my children! I am always after them to pick up this or that. I might be considered a nag by some.

So far I have tackled 2 sets of cupboards and 2 shelves. I have thrown out 1 large bag of stuff and have 2 boxes to donate. Have I mentioned before that I homeschool my children so I tend to collect books. One of the boxes is all books, my homeschool group will love this box. Next I will be going through the closets. I have clothes for both boys and girls from newborn to size 12. This is a big job but I like the way it feels after I am done.

This has nothing to do with my weight loss journey but it has kept me busy today!


  1. Good for you!!! For me so many things in my life have to do with my weight loss struggle. By tackling your clutter, you're avoiding eating and probably burning some calories too. I have 3 children and babysit 3 children, my house is in a constant state of clutter. Good luck!!!!

  2. I find clearing the clutter helps me lose weight. When my house is organized than I'm more organized with my eating. TLC has clean sweep, the guy on it wrote a book on how getting rid of clutter helps us get rid of weight.

    THis is definitely a feet to be proud of!

  3. Actually, I did see an Oprah show where they made a link between clutter at home and weight/self-care. I totally believe in it! Good for you!
