Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Eating the THM way!

So I decided to give the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating a try!

It is a bit complicated to get started but I think I am getting a bit of a handle on it and it has only been 3 days.
The big thing with it is if you are fueling your body with a fat source then stay away from carbs and if your meal fuel source is from a carb than stay away from the fat but always pair either the fat or carb WITH protein.
Fat source meals are called an Satisfying meal or for short just S.
Carbohydrate fuel source meal is called an Energizing meal or E for short.
There are other meal combos but for now I am sticking with these two until I get a better understanding.

Here is what my meals looked like;
Breakfast~ Quinoa with a few strawberries and Greek yogurt (E)
Snack~ Almonds (S)
Lunch~ Salmon fillet and salad with ranch dressing (S)
Snack~ Roasted chick peas (E)
Supper~ Scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, mushrooms, cheese and ham. (S)

Breakfast~ Quinoa with a few strawberries and Greek yogurt (E)
Snack~ Apple with peanut butter (E)
Lunch~ Mushroom soup base with ground beef, peppers and onions served over steamed cauliflower and salad with dressing (S)
Supper~ Taco Salad (S)

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