Thursday, January 21, 2010


I did the Leslie Sansone 4 mile Walk Away the Pounds ~Super Challenge this morning.

I have not done such an intense workout since before getting pregnant with my second last child so I am HAPPY and feeling the burn.

I think what the greatest thing is that I did it with seven children in the house....they all (except the baby) played with each other so well. I had a snack of cut up watermelon ready and told my eldest when to put it on the table. Having the snack ready to go was the real saver.

I don't think I have shared it here but my goal in the spring is to start training to run 5 km. I have never been a runner but this is just something I want to try....maybe I will hate it but at least I can say I have done it.


  1. Holy did a workout with SEVEN children in the house? You are my hero!!

  2. What a great goal. Caring for seven children sounds like it's own workout. :)

  3. Have fun running and training for your 5k. You'll enjoy the t ime with your own thoughts that running gives you.
