Monday, December 23, 2013

Frustrated...where will it lead?

Today is kind of the peak of my frustration!
I feel so gross, fat, ugly and disgusting!
This past year I have lost and kept off a little over 20 pounds...the frustrating part is I have lost and gained another 8 pounds about 6 times!
That up and down is purely because I have not been committed to eating a proper diet.
I know I can lose the rest of this weight and get really fit again.

With it being 2 days away from Christmas I am trying to give myself permission to just enjoy life and then get serious on Boxing Day...this has been hard because I am so down in my thoughts about myself......

My plan over the next 2 days is too give this blog a face lift, make some goals for 2014 and get ready to start eating clean on Boxing Day! 
I plan to rock 2014!!!


  1. I'm with you my friend. I've put on about 6-7 pounds and have learned that the toning I acquired from training for the half marathon doesn't last if I'm not running that much afterwards... vex.

    So, my husband and I have been talking and we've decided to just enjoy this holiday week and after New Years we are making some cleaner, better choices for ourselves and our families.

    Sometimes I feel yuck, but knowing I'm going to get back with it after the week allows me to just enjoy myself...kind of. I just think the little niggling that vexes me is the reminder I need that will force me to get back with the plan after Christmas and New Years. :)

    We will rock 2014!!!

  2. I'm with you, let's ROCK 2014!! Go girl!!!

  3. I'm with ya!! Let's rock it this next year. It's all about our very next choice. We got this!
